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Find the answers you need about using VOLUM3.
Room data sheets, tracking budget changes, products and materials per area, all effortlessly possible with
Getting started
Introduction to VOLUM3
1. Register your account
2. Create company profile
3. Invite new members
4. Create a project
5. Upload plans
6. Add tasks and markups
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Navigating the Site
Navigation toolbar
Accessing your personal settings
Item Actions icon
Grid view & list view
Flyout menu
Sort & select
Search & filter
Turn categories on/off
Easily switch between projects & stages
Page numbers and items per page
Project translations
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User Roles
Company roles
Project roles
Task roles
Meeting roles
Project List
All projects
Create new project
Project Settings
Project properties
Import area
Plan Upload with OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
Plan upload
Working Set
Current Set
Deliveries & Approvals
Accessing the Task Module
Screen Overview
Tasks List
Sorting Task Table
Creating a Task
Task Flyout Window
Flyout tabs
Properties Tab
Plans Link
Task status bar
Related task tab
Comments tab
Files tab
Checklist tab
Meetings tab
History tab
Task Actions
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Accessing the Meetings Module
Screen Overview
Meeting List
Opening the Meeting
Creating a Meeting
Meeting Screen Overview
Meeting Flyout Window
Meeting Status
Meeting Visibility
Meeting Flyout tabs
Properties Tab
Archive Tab
Meeting items
Editing the meeting items
Creating and adding meeting items
Show / Hide columns
Meeting Duration
Language switcher
Follow-Up Meetings
Meeting notifications
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Specifications module workflow
Linked specifications
Create specifications from products
Create your own specifications
Products and materials classification system
Flyout navigation
Edit/add attributes, instructions, price, images and files
Copy specification
Add more options of the product/specification
Choose the main specification among options
Filter specifications
Publish specifications on project / Deliver to current set
Create specification book / Print specifications
Check all deliveries
Check (not) approved deliveries
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Interactive Schedules
Interactive Schedules
List of interactive schedules
Create a new Interactive Schedule
Visibility and access rights
Interactive Schedule status
Interactive Schedules items
Specification Status
Comment column
Hierarchical structure of Interactive Schedules
Unallocated items
Interactive Schedule columns
Managing Interactive Schedules attributes
Inline editing
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Bill of Quantities
Accessing the BoQ module
Hierarchy of BoQ Table items
Detailed description of levels
BoQ Display Options
Bill of Quantity Actions
Creating new BoQ
Import -BoQ
BoQ Languages
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Add company brands
Add product/part
Enter product in more languages
Manage categories, groups and subgroups
Edit/add attribute groups
Edit/add attributes
Custom attribute types
Create your own attributes group template
Edit/add product instructions
Define product price
Discontinue the product
Add files and images
Link/unlink part from the product
Publish/unpublish product from catalog
Enable/disable edit mode
Search brands and products
Add product to the project
Copy product/part
Filter products
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Area types
Add new area
Rooms, Room Types and Room Groups
Zones, Entrances and Expansion Joints
Storeys, Buildings and Sites
User roles
Creating new Tender
Tender status
Tender - Bidder
Tender notifications
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Companies & Users
All companies
Partner companies
Partner members
My company members
Account Settings
Company settings
Profile Settings
Release 2025/03
Release 2025/02
Release 2024/06
Release 2023/10 no.2
Release 2023/10
Release 2023/08
Release 2023/04 no.3
Release 2023/04 no.2
Release 2023/04
Release 2023/03 no.3
Release 2023/03 no.2
Release 2023/03
Release 2023/02
Release 2023/01 no.2
Release 2023/01
Release 2022/11 no.2
Release 2022/11
Release 2022/10 no.2
Release 2022/10
Release 2022/09
Release 2022/07
Release 2022/05 no.2
Release 2022/05
Release 2022/04
Release 2021/10
Release 2021/07 on.2
Release 2021/07
Release 2021/06
Release 2021/05
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Terms starting with A
Terms starting with B
Terms starting with C
Terms starting with D
Terms starting with E
Terms starting with F
Terms starting with G
Terms starting with I
Terms starting with L
Terms starting with M
Terms starting with N
Terms starting with O
Terms starting with P
Terms starting with Q
Terms starting with R
Terms starting with S
Terms starting with T
Terms starting with U
Terms starting with V
Terms starting with W
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How can I change my company member’s role?
How can I add someone outside my company to collaborate on my projects?
Who can upload documents and plans?
Who can add tasks and comment on them?
Why can’t I create new projects?
How do I switch between stages on a project?
Why can’t I edit project properties and add new stages and disciplines?
Can I be part of more than one team on the same project?
Who can see my plans?
How can I upload a new version of a plan?
How can I see an old version of a plan?
How can I compare old and new versions of a plan?
Can I measure something on a plan?
Why can’t I open a plan in Plan Upload?
Can I delete plans in Plan Upload?
What is the difference between Working Set and Current Set?
Can I delete plans from Working Set/Current Set?
What is a delivery?
Why are some plans visible in the Current Set and some aren’t after a delivery?
Why can’t I deliver a plan that has already been delivered?
Who can be an approver on the project?
Who can add a task?
Who can close a task?
Is it possible to comment or make changes on a closed task?
Is it possible to filter tasks?
Can I track task history?
Can I add a task to a plan?
Can I print and export tasks list?
Who can I add outside my company to collaborate on my projects?
How can I download a plan?
Upcoming Features
Project templates
Downloading plans with markups
Downloading plan lists as pdf
Duplicating existing tasks