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User roles

A Tender is the process of inviting contractors and suppliers to submit formal offers or bids.

Tender roles

The Administrator administers all tendering processes and can create and edit the tender.

A Follower, added by the administrator, follows the tendering process without decision-making authority.

Bidder participates in the tendering process by submitting a formal BoQ offer. 

Creating new Tender

Create your tender by going to Tenders and clicking on the + Create New Tender in the upper right corner.

In every New tender, you have the flexibility to choose the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) you wish to include, along with specifying the tender's start and end dates. The system will automatically calculate the duration and remaining time for you. Within the languages section, you have the option to select the specific languages that will be utilized throughout the tender process. 

Clicking on the create button, its default status will be Draft and the tender will show up in the Tender List.

After creating a tender, you retain the flexibility to modify various elements, such as the tender's basic information (title, description, language), participants (administrators, followers, questioner), and dates (decision date). Simply click on the three dots next to a specific tender, and a flyout menu will appear, allowing you to make the changes quickly. In the Bidders tab, easily add all desired bidders by clicking the "Add Bidder" button.

Tender status

Draft - tender can still be edited. In this moment, bidders cannot see the tender and will not be notified until the status does not change from Draft to Started.

Started - tender is in progress. At this moment, bidders will be notified and can start putting up their bids to the tender.

Finished - tender has been completed, and bidders are no longer able to make edits.  

Canceled - bid has been canceled and no further changes are allowed.

Closed - Admin privileges for editing the tender will be disabled.

In the invited table, we have four statuses:   

Awarded: this signifies the chosen bidder— this bidder has been designated as the tender winner.

Not Selected: this signifies that the status was not yet chosen for a specific bidder.

Shortlisted: this status signifies that the bidder was in the final selection but was not ultimately chosen.

Disqualified:  this status signifies that the bidder did not submit on time or was disqualified for another reason.


Bill of Quantities (BoQ)

In the Bill of Quantities table, select one or more items (category/type) that you want to include in the tender. Click on "Add to Tender" located in the upper right corner to add chosen BoQ items to the Tender. Select one of the active or ongoing tenders from the drop-down list to include the selected BoQ.

Tender - Bidder

The list of tender bids is organized according to projects and phases. The participant in the tender can view only those tender lists and bids to which his company has been invited. 

Bidders cannot see one another and can only access files provided by the administrator. Both the administrator and followers have visibility over all files, which are categorized by the company.

Clicking on Tender properties in the upper right corner opens the tender flyout, displaying files attached to individual tender.


Bidder status

Received - Automatically triggered upon receiving the tender call.

In progress - Automatically initiated when a bid is opened, accompanied by a warning notification sent to the bidder administrator for approval.

Submitted/Submit - Automatically activated after the bidder presses the Submit bid button, accompanied by a warning notification for cancel/submit.

Withdrawn/Withdraw - The bid withdrawal process is initiated by pressing the Withdraw bid button, followed by a warning notification for cancel/withdraw.

Expired - Automatically triggered if the bid is not submitted by the tender deadline.

After the Tender is fulfilled, the bidder sends the proposal to the Tender Administrator changing the status to "Submitted". The bidder has also the option to withdraw from the tender through the "Withdraw bid" action or by changing the status to "Withdraw" (cancel). 

Upon the closure or cancellation of the tender by the Tender Administrator, all bids become locked and are no longer editable. 


Each of the following elements is designed to provide clarity and information to facilitate decision-making in the bidding process:

  • Green coloured text indicates the cheapest or lowest offer available.
  • Red coloured text indicates the most expensive or highest offer available.
  • Warning on groups - alerts users when an item below is marked in purple or red 
  • Substitute item - refers to an alternative item proposed by the bidder.
  • No offers made - indicated that the bidder did not submit any bids or proposals
  • Bidder's message - the accompanying comment or message from the bidder regarding each commented item.

Tender notifications

You will receive a notification when assigned the role of a tender administrator. 

Tender follower added

You will receive a notification when added as a tender follower. This informs you that you now have access to view all tender-related files and updates. 

Tender status changed:

You will receive a notification when the status of a tender changes. This notification informs you of any updates or transitions in the tender's progress.

Tender date changed:

You will receive a notification when the date associated with a tender is changed. This notification informs you of any updates to key dates in the tender process.

Bidder status changed:

You will receive a notification when the bidder changes the tender status.This informs you of any updates regarding a bidder's progress or standing within the tender process. 


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