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Add company brands

One manufacturer can have more than one brand. This is a place to add all company brands. The default company brand is the company name itself

Click on your Profile picture > Company Settings > Brands. Click Create a new brand and add all relevant information.

Add product/part

Click on Products > Add new > Product/Part.
Afterward, define the model, brand, and languages you will use to describe them. 

PRODUCT - an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale

PART - an integral part of a product, only when combined with others, makes up the whole product (not visible in the public catalog, only as part of the product)

Next, define the Categories, Groups, and Subgroups.

Each product is being saved in 3 levels – in Categories, Groups, and Subgroups. 
One product can be linked to more than one category, group and subgroup. That way it can be easily found in any of these options. 

Product will be searched by clients under categories you choose. The part will remain visible to your company members only.

Enter product in more languages

To offer your product to a broader foreign public, you can translate it into more languages. Under Properties > Language, choose desired languages. 

After that, by switching language on its blue icon, you can translate product content.


Manage categories, groups and subgroups

Each product is being saved in 3 levels – in Categories, Groups, and Subgroups
One product can be linked to more than one category, group and, subgroup and, that way can be easily found in any of these options. Make sure you fit your product into all relevant ones.

Here you can change/delete existing product categories, groups, and subgroups. To add more, click Add new category. 

Product will be searched by clients under categories you choose. The part will remain visible to your company members only.


Edit/add attribute groups

Attribute groups help us sort the attributes in the most logical way. Each attribute group has belonging relevant attributes. 

Add new attributes to the group, edit the group name or simply delete the group.
At each moment you can reorder the group's view by using the drag option on the left.

To add a new one, simply click Add group. 
You can add groups from the template or custom groups.

A group from the template

Custom attribute group

Edit/add attributes

Attributes will help you specify the product to its finest. Use attributes to define all product elements by which the product will be searched afterward. 

Each existing attribute can be edited or deleted. You can edit an attribute by changing its measurement unit or by switching it with the new attribute. 

Whenever needed, you can Add new attributes.

Predefined attribute

More than 300 attributes are added to the system and are ready to be used on any product.

Custom attribute

In case you cannot find a relevant attribute to describe the product, feel free to modify your own.

Custom attribute types

Attribute types are Boolean, Color, Material, Numeric, Range, Selectable range, Text and Texture.


Boolean attribute type has one of two possible values – No or Yes.



You can choose between System colors, My company colors, and Add custom colors.

System colors

Choose default colors added by the system.

My company colors

Choose colors added by your company members.

Add custom colors

Find your color in the pallet and define its HEX/RGB. Make sure you name it and add it to the belonging color filter.



You can choose between System materials, My company materials, and Add custom material.

System materials

Choose default materials added by the system.

My company materials

Choose materials custom added by your company members.

Add custom material

Upload material thumbnail and make sure you name it and add it to the belonging material filter.



Add an attribute with numeric values. 
1st - Define measurement unit

2nd - Once it is saved to the group, you can type in the numeric values.



Define the fixed numeric scale and attach the unit of measurements to it or define the range without the unit.



For manufacturers/representatives only

Define the Selectable numeric scale – meaning, the architect viewing your product must select a value in-between the range. Define whether the unit of measurement will be attached to the range or not. 


If the attribute type is Text, once it is saved to the group, you can type in textual values.



If the attribute type is Texture, you can define it by adding a texture thumbnail, name, code and can fit it into belonging texture filters.

Create your own attributes group template

To reuse an attribute group with belonging attributes on other products, make your own template/attribute group. In the Attributes, section click Save group as template.

After, when adding a new attribute group, your template will be shown under Add group > From template > My company templates.

Edit/add product instructions

To add relevant information about the product, Add the instructions. You can add Predefined or New instructions

Each instruction can be deleted and you can change the order of the instructions using the drag option.

Predefined (My company/System instructions)

You can add instructions entered into the system by VOLUM3 or members of your company.

New instruction

When there is no corresponding instruction, you can add a new one.


Define product price

Define product Price and Units of Measure. 

One product can have more than one Unit of measure due to different sales definitions.

Discontinue the product

When needed, mark your product as discontinued. That will let a client know that the product is not available at the moment.


Add files and images

Add images and files relevant to your product. When in Images, make sure you add the Thumbnail - this image is 1st visible and represents the product. 
Each image and file can be easily removed from the product by clicking on 'X' next to them.

Publish/unpublish product from catalog

To publish a Product to Public Catalog, simply click the action Publish.

After publishing the Product, all linked Parts will also be visible in the Public Catalog. You do not have to publish Parts separately.


To hide the Product from the Public Catalog, simply click the action Unpublish.

Enable/disable edit mode

Each Product/Part can be edited in Edit mode and viewed in Read-only mode. Entering Read-only mode, you will check the way clients see your products.

Search brands and products

In the Brands submenu, below the products list, you can check all Brands/Manufacturers present with their products on VOLUM3. 

Use the Search option in both brands and products, to find the one you need using the key words.


Add product to the project

Each product, published in the catalog, can be searched and added to any project. 

If there is a Product with linked Part, once added to the project, Part's attributes will become a group of attributes of the Product.

Copy product/part

Each product can be duplicated with its all belonging elements. Simply click the action Copy product/part. 

If a product is published at the moment of copying, the copy, itself, will not be published, it will automatically be in draft mode. You can publish it afterward.

Filter products

Enable filters by clicking on the funnel icon. Choose between available options and filter the catalog to find the desired product. Pin the most frequently used filters to the toolbar.


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