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Company roles

Users have four types of roles:

  1. Company roles
  2. Project roles
  3. Task roles
  4. Meeting roles

Company roles are assigned at the application level (member role).

To view and select company roles, go to Companies & Users > My Company Members

Has full read/write access to all application parts
Controls company account details and company member roles

Has full read/write access except to account settings 
Can invite/remove company users and partner members
Can create new projects, but he cannot see projects for which he has not received an invitation to join

Has limited read/write access 
Cannot invite other users, open projects, or see projects for which he has not received an invitation to join
Can become a project administrator, but cannot create his own projects

Project roles

Project roles are assigned at the project level. 

To view and select project roles, go to Project Settings > Teams. 
Has full read/write access to plans and tasks on the project stage for which the invitation is received
Cannot edit project properties or invite/remove users, unless he/she is a project administrator

Has limited read/write access to plans and tasks on the project stage for which the invitation is received
Can view and write comments
Cannot edit project properties, plans, or tasks nor invite/remove users

Has limited read access 
Cannot edit any content
Can only view the project for which the invitation is received

Each project has one project administrator. The default project administrator is the project creator. You can add one or more project administrators to your project. To view and select a project administrator, go to Project Settings > Project Properties.

Has full read/write access to project plans and tasks
Can invite existing users from their company to the project 


In the Plan section, you can add an approver for each plan. When you decide to submit a plan from the Working Set to the Current Set, you can assign a person to review each plan that is delivered. That person is called the approver.

To view and select approver, go to Project Settings > Approvers. 

Needs to be added on a project by project admin

Task roles

Task roles are assigned at the task level.

To view and select task roles, go to Tasks and click on a chosen task.

Responsible for the creation and administration of tasks
Can change all task properties, checklist, files, and comment

Responsible for performing tasks
Can view tasks, check items in the checklist, and comment

Can view tasks and comment

Meeting roles

Meeting roles are assigned at the meeting level.

To view and select meeting roles, go to Meeting > Meeting Properties. 

Attend the meeting

Do not attend the meeting, but need to be informed

Can edit the meeting

Unregistered participants
Attend the meeting, but they are not VOLUM3 users

Unregistered followers
Do not attend the meeting, but need to be informed, they are not VOLUM3 users


User Roles

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